Tuesday 4 January 2011

Anticipating the after to my before...

Before I get into anything I feel the odd desire to say Happy Christmas and Merry New Year to my 3 followers!!! (I am aware that those sayings are somewhat backwards - I like them better this way!)I genuinely hope that everyone enjoyed copious amounts of festive fun!!

Moving on... This year I have decided to participate in the Leukemia Foundations World's Greatest Shave's 'Shave for a Cure' event. In all honesty I have wanted to shave my head for years. Not for any particular reason; mostly just to see what I look like and how it feels to have very little hair to do anything to in the mornings. If the sudden to desire to donate to this extraordinarily important event washes over you please visit my page on the Leukemia Foundation's website: http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/amoye?SID=138873&Lang=en-CA and GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!!! I am hoping to raise at least $5,000 so many donations are required. I am also hoping to have a little head shaving event of my own where whoever is interested can come along, have a beverage and watch the spectacle that will be me loosing an awful lot of hair! Until then.... here are some fun facts care of the Leukemia Foundation website.... 

Did you know?
- Every hour of every day, at least one person in Australia is diagnosed with leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma.
- Every two hours, someone loses their life to blood cancer.
- $26 can provide emotional support to help someone overcome the shock of being diagnosed
- $40 can help improve treatments and find cures by funding a PhD student's laboratory costs for a day
- $57 can support patients who are too ill to drive by providing a day's transport to and from treatment
- $80 can give a regional family who've had to move closer to treatment, a place to call home for a night

For more information about the Leukaemia Foundation visit their website: http://www.leukaemia.org.au

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