Thursday 20 January 2011

Let the Light In...

Todd Selby is my photography God when it comes to the spaces he gets to explore! I the days when I pop over to his site and play envious voyeur for 15minutes because, truth be told, over the last 3 years I have started to pine for a space of my own - one that screams 'ME' in a way that isn't obnoxious and overbearing but yummy and worthy of genuine jealously. One which I can take time and care to fill with bits and pieces of random goodness that hasn't been picked up from some mass market furniture store and certainly wasn't put together with an allan key (no offense IKEA, I do appreciate your goodness...). One update explored the blinding light in Erin Wasson's loft. I'm not a devoted follower of hers although I can definitely appreciate her genuineness and earthy beauty but honestly, I-LOVE-HER-HOME!!!! While I am currently bunkered down in a basement apartment I am dying for a floor to ceiling window... I would like to be sitting in a chair that swallows me into its cushiony goodness with a cup of English Breakfast tea (two sugars because I'm a boomba) with my feet on the window sill while reading my new book in total natural light... hmmm... to dream...

I have a thing for big wooden doors... see far right

Art in it's pure simplicity
All images from

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