Wednesday 30 March 2011

Time Has Pasted and Over My Shoulder...

This week has been extraordinary in the most extreme ways... I seem to have daily bouts of overwhelming excitement about the possibilities of my final year at uni that ultimately and ALWAYS turns into some kind of other worldly anxiety about how exactly I plan to execute which ever possibility I chose to pursue... I have all these damn ideas but I'm genuinely struggling with which I like the most. I do however know what I want whatever I do to achieve - does that make sense? No matter what the outcome of this year I KNOW that I will be the storyteller of both my own story and hopefully the stories of other creatives. 

I have been thoroughly enthralled by developing, planning and executing (filming is in one week and seriously weeing myself with nerves) my fashion short film concept for the ASVOFF Competition. I love exhibits and I have (oddly) become reasonably bored by fashion shows and staring at static editorials lately. So for now I'm exploring the avenues that I resonate with (and that others hopefully resonate with as well considering I'm seriously hoping that other fourth years might want to collaborate with me) as a means of telling a story. The trailer for Yohji Yamamoto's doco 'This is My Dream' gave me goose bumps. It's simple and unfussy and something I find insanely inspiring for this year. 

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